The American Sign Language Fingerspelling Alphabet
One of the primary goals for CSCI547 is to give you some experience in applying the algorithms that we learn about in Machine Learning to a variety of problems, perhaps in your
particular area of specialization. The final project for this course is designed to give you an
opportunity to apply the machine learning skills you've learned to a non-trivial problem of
Project Scope
Your project will entail the application of a machine learning technique to a dataset. You
may apply a technique that we learned about in class to a dataset that we haven't seen
before, or you may apply an algorithm that you would like to research on your own to one
of the datasets we've seen in class, or you may try something entirely new. For obvious
reasons, it will not be allowed to apply an algorithm we learned about in class to a dataset
we used in class.
Once you've identified the scope of your project, you should write a code base that represents
a working machine learning model. This code base should not only deal with training
the model, but also include elements of validation and model selection indicating a deep
exploration of the chosen method and dataset. In addition to the code, you will need
to prepare a paper consisting of a literature review framing the problem that
you are trying to solve (you should read and cite at least 2 papers, but probably
more), methods, results, discussion, and conclusions. There is no specified length for
this paper, but it does need to be long enough to justify the work that you did! As with all
scientific writing, well-made figures are a highly welcome inclusion.